Jaqpot Team@jaqpot-team
over 1 year ago

The model of this application is a deployment of the model published by Loccisano et al. (2011) in the paper titled "Evaluation and prediction of pharmacokinetics of PFOA and PFOS in the monkey
and human using a PBPK model".

This PBK model predicts the biodistribution of PFOS or PFOA in humans, who are orally exposed via water consumption or via intravenous injections. The model consists of 9 compartments. The model is designed to simulate the exposure to PFOS and PFOA either orally or via intravenous injections. The unique elimination route for PFAS is considered to be through urine. A detailed description of the model is provided in Loccisano et al. (2011).

The input parametersadmin.dose andadmin.time should be considered as vectors. For example, let's consider that the concentration of PFAS in water (admin.dose) is 10 μg/L at the beginning of the simulation (admin.time=0) and this remains constant for 2 hours. Now consider that at exactly at 2 hours from the beginning of the experiment the new concentration of PFAS in water (admin.dose) is 20 μg/L. In order to force this change of concentrations to the model, the admin.dose and admin.time should be defined by the user as [10,20] and [0,2], respectively. The same method should be followed in case of exposure to multiple intravenous injections over time.

The value of Drinking_water is free to be specified by the user. However, the value used by Loccisano et al. (2011) is 0.032 L/h.

The output of the model reports the content of PFAS in all compartment both in terms of mass and concentration.

The R code of the model and the code to upload the model on Jaqpot are uploaded on github repository, which contains multiple published PBK models for PFAS and various organisms..

Image taken directly from Loccisano et al. (2011).