Jaqpot Team@jaqpot-team
over 3 years ago

PBPK model on polyethylene glycol-coated polyacrylamide (PAA-peg) nanoparticles on rat

This PBPK model has been developed on a rat population to describe the biodistricution of polyethylene glycol-coated (PAA-peg) nanoparticles. Its schematic representation can be seen in the following figure. It consists of 7 compartments describing the mass distribution of the nanoparticles in various organs, namely liver (LI), kidney (KI), brain (BR), bone marrow (BM), , heart (HT), spleen (SPL) and lungs (LU), one compartment to model the rest of the body (ROB) as well as two blood pools; venous (VEN) and arterial (ART). All compartments include a sub-compartment describing the uptake of nanoparticles by phagocytizing cells (PCs), while all but the blood compartments have a third component describing the distribution of nanoparticles in the capillary blood.The detailed description of the PBPK model used can be found in Li et al., 2014.

<sub><sup>Image taken directly from Li et al., 2014.</sup></sub>